Things to Do: April

Get out and enjoy the warmer weather with free unit studies covering nature, science, history, and music, along with free eBooks, and great finds!

  1. Travel with the Pony Express (April 3).
  2. Explore words that describe.
  3. Keep geography simple with these 6 tips.
  4. Explore the Domino Theory (April 7).
  5. Get outside and study nature with these 10 ideas.
  6. Learn more about the man and the science behind solar cycles (April 11).
  7. Grow a pizza garden.
  8. Improve your dictionary skills with Webster (April 14).
  9. Next year, try scheduling by principle.
  10. Go fly a kite!
  11. Experiment with earthquake science and learn more about the Great San Francisco Earthquake (April 18).
  12. Borrow one of these 4 ways to incorporate poetry.
  13. Enjoy a book study on “The Little Red Hen.”
  14. Learn about sun dogs with this free light & optics unit (April 20).
  15. Understand learning styles.
  16. Use our free form to explore idioms!
  17. Learn about the Spanish-American War (April 21).
  18. Encourage your younger student to write with these 8 writing activities.
  19. Stay well-rounded!
  20. Practice dictionary skills…the easy way.
  21. Get involved in the race for land with the Oklahoma Land Rush (April 22).
  22. Give your preschooler a natural beginning!
  23. Listen to “Peter and the Wolf” (April 23).
  24. Make an investment in your children.
  25. Explore art with a highly recommended resource: Discovering Great Artists.
  26. Explore the world of birds with Audubon (April 26).
  27. Learn chronological science through biographies!
  28. Celebrate Arbor Day with a free eBook: Our American Holidays: Arbor Day (April 26).
  29. Grab these 3 tips for setting the atmosphere in your home.
  30. Learn about the end of World War II and the Treaty of San Francisco (April 28).
  31. Download these free star pages and make a star book.
  32. Enjoy this writing activity: Choose a Title.
  33. Explore the ramifications of the Louisiana Purchase (April 30).
  34. Enjoy these poems (and associated activities) from our Online Poetry Anthology:
  35. Learn How Children Learn as you plan for the year ahead.
  36. Download these free eBooks {and go-alongs!}:
  37. Travel back to the time of knights and castles with this free unit based on a free award-winning eBook.
  38. Grab the heart of your student with these 22 ways to love, do & think every day!
  39. Make use of these great finds:

Enjoy our Things to Do each month:
Things to Do: Learning Ideas for Each Month
Things to Do: Learning Ideas for Each Month

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