Required Poems for Reading and Memorizing {Free eBook}

OK. We can forget the “required” part. Granted. Required Poems for Reading and Memorizing is a wonderfully arranged collection of poems for the primary student featuring the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, James Whitcomb Riley, Edward Lear, Longfellow, Wordsworth, Mary Howitt (“The Spider and the Fly”), Charles Kingsley, Shakespeare and many others.

The easiest way to use a book like this is to simply sit down and read it aloud together as a family, one poem a day, until the book is finished. Since the titles in this little gem are arranged by author, each author’s works can become familiar to the readers before they move on.

With the caveat that keeping poetry simple is important to future interest, the student can also start a poetry notebook that lists the poet and a favorite poem; or keep a copybook full of his favorite poetry.

Required Poems for Reading and Memorizing is in the public domain.

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Additional Resources

Drawing & Writing Notebooking Paper {Free Download}
Great for copying and illustrating poetry.

4 Ways to Incorporate Poetry ~ Resources
Ideas for how to use the book.

Online Poetry Anthology
Our own collection.

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