"The Power of Enjoyment": 6 Principles for Self-Motivated Learners

Many educators and most homeschoolers realize that there is more to education than memorizing material, regurgitating it, and forgetting it!  And while we realize there must be a better, more enjoyable way, we also know that real learning requires effort on the part of the student.

There are usually two ways around the dilemma — for the teacher to make everything FUN for the student, or for the teacher to require less of the student.

Homeschooling provides an opportunity to do something different — to engage the student!  By taking advantage of his natural curiosity, enjoyment, and self-motivation, learning can be not only fun — but more importantly — stick!

The Power of Enjoyment” is an article by Diana Waring, author of Beyond Survival, that originally appeared in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine that offers six principles that we can encourage in our homeschools that can result in a self-motivated learner:

  1. Create a encouraging learning environment.
  2. Let what is being studied be personally relevant to the learner.
  3. Let learning be a positive experience (not something just done during “school” hours).
  4. Involve the five senses.
  5. Apply deeper thinking skills and include the “big picture.”
  6. Let the student teach it to someone else (create an output).

Any teacher who implements these six principles will immediately open the door for students to actively involve themselves in the process of learning—a key to self-motivation. And, significantly, students will have the opportunity to actually enjoy the experience.

We heartily agree!  In fact, the only things a student really does learn are those things he teaches himself.  That means he must be self-motivated.

Want to help to help your student become a self-motivated learner?  Read the entire article.

Additional Resources

Creating a Learning Environment
Ideas for laying the foundation.

3 Considerations When Setting the Atmosphere
Includes a focus on the needs of the child, and developing a relationship with him.

The Delight-Directed Approach
Ideas for taking advantage of a student’s interests to encourage learning.

Learning Lifestyle
Ideas for making learning not something that happens during “school” hours, but a part of life!

Bloom’s and Critical Thinking: Complete Series
Ideas for encouraging deeper thinking — in a natural way.

Keep Reading

Don’t Miss a Thing:

Write Something Every Day

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