Now this is our idea of “delight-directed” homeschooling: the place where life, education, and home come together.

With a wonderful sense of humor and a load of encouragement, Diana Waring motivates us to really serve our children as their tutors — customizing our approach to fit their learning style, interests and family life, while providing many opportunities to practice using the “tools” of learning.

Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant-Life Homeschooling covers teaching multiple levels, surviving conventions, evaluating progress, and offers one of the clearest and most concise explanations of learning styles available.

Although packed with resources and personal experiences, you won’t come away with another prescription for “the right way” to homeschool — you will be encouraged to find a way to serve YOUR family. Delightful and inspiring read!

Additional Resources

The Delight-Directed Approach
Drawing on the motivation that comes from within, the parent using a delight-directed approach seeks to mentor, guide, and support a child’s interest through to its natural conclusion, allowing a child to practice his skills on a subject of his choice. Key features include exploration, creativity, and growing into one’s life’s work.

Learning Lifestyle
The learning doesn’t end when learning is your lifestyle.

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Don’t Miss a Thing:

Write Something Every Day

Tools for the Homeschool Handy-Mom

At DIY Homeschooler we provide encouragement and resources to those homeschool handy-moms paving their own way — solutions to help you “do-it-yourself” when it comes to tutoring your children. Learn more.

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