Home Education Series by Charlotte Mason {Free eBooks}

While there are several guides and other contemporary writings that draw from Charlotte Mason’s works, none will give you a better idea of how to implement her ideas in your home than reading the original works yourself. Her original home education series is in the public domain.

Every homeschool mom can benefit from reading Charlotte Mason. Her motto was, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” She saw children as more than blank slates. She viewed education as more than preparation for a vocation.

Her educational philosophies are contained in six volumes. If you are reading Charlotte Mason for the first time, we suggest starting at Volume 6 to understand the big picture.

Volume 1: Home Education

Volume 2: Parents and Children

Volume 3: School Education

Volume 4: Ourselves

Volume 5: Some Studies in the Formation of Character

Volume 6: An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education

Additional Resources

The Original Home Schooling Series
Our review and a link to the complete set of six volumes online and annotated.

The Charlotte Mason Approach
Brief summary and take-aways.

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