The Book Tree: A Christian Reference for Children's Literature

The Book Tree: A Christian Reference for Children’s Literature by Elizabeth McCallum & Jane Scott is a favorite book about books. In recommending books that the authors “have especially enjoyed,” your favorites might be missing, but you’ll have an interesting place to start in your search for great literature. The authors primarily avoid abridged works, selecting works that are well-written, reader-friendly (no formal guidance necessary to understand the work), follow high ethical standards, have visual appeal and are accessible.

The books are alphabetically listed by category:

  • Preschool literature.
  • Elementary school fiction.
  • Middle school fiction.
  • Elementary and middle school biography.
  • High school fiction.
  • High school biography.

The summaries provided are meant to convey the flavor of the selection and will assist parents in choosing literature that meets the needs of their family.

Literary affections naturally give way to literary habits.  Families who love to read will find the time to read — the distractions of life are simply crowded out…. Invariably, this relentless prioritizing of time leads to a necessary prioritizing of content.  At some point every serious reading family comes to the realization that they will never be able to read everything they wish to…. Thus, this book will most certainly appeal to that breed apart — all those who nurture literary affections.

George Grant, from the Foreword

Additional Resources

Review: Who Should We Then Read?
A book about books that makes our jobs easier. Highly recommended!

Review: Books Children Love
Another long-time favorite with a Charlotte Mason flavor. Children need to be provided with “excellently written, interest-holding books on as wide a range of topics as possible” as part of the most “effective form of education.”

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