6 Free Summer Reading Titles for Young Ladies

Summer is a great time to curl up with a book. If you are looking for summer reading ideas for your young lady, here are 6 free summer reading titles to check out:

1. Little Friend Lydia by Ethel Calvert Phillips

A young orphaned Quaker girl finds a new home — and lots of adventures.

Free eBook:

2. Heidi by Johanna Spyri


Well-known story of a little girl who goes to live with her grandfather and warms his heart. 

Free eBook:

3. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

A pampered little girl learns what it means to be a servant — and a real princess.

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4. Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Understood Betsy

A sheltered young girl grows to enjoy the freedom that taking responsibility brings.

Read our full review with links to the free eBook.

5. Lisbeth Longfrock by Hans Aanrud

An orphan girl grows into her long frock among the Norwegian mountains.

Free eBook:

6. Henrietta’s Wish by Charlotte M. Yonge

A young lady learns to see “having her own way” for what it is.

Free eBook

Additional Resources

Looking for a Good Book?
A few of our favorite reading lists.

8 Places to Find Children’s Books in the Public Domain
Collections of children’s books.

Books About Books
Two book-reading guides in the public domain.

Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children’s Literature by Elizabeth Wilson
A well-loved guide with a Charlotte Mason flavor. Read our full review.

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