Homeschooling Special Learners

Considering homeschooling your special learner? A home full of love, warmth, security, and support can be the ideal atmosphere in which these children will thrive. Their needs can be met in an environment where there are no labels. There is help in abundance for such families.

“The first step in working with your special needs child is to recognize that you are, in all likelihood, the single best resource. You should not expect anyone to care for the child the way you do, or to the extent you do.”

David and Laurie Lanier, The Homeschool Manual by Theodore E. Wade Jr.

Additional Resources

10 Reasons to Homeschool Your Child With Special Needs
“As a parent of a special needs child, I feel that we have been chosen by God to raise these precious special children. If He has laid it on your heart to home educate them, then He will be there to help guide you through the amazing journey. It may not always be easy, but with much prayer and patience it can be done.” Article by Amanda Fuller that originally appeared in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

Homeschooling Special Needs Children
Encouraging article at Practical Homeschooling by the late homeschool dad and legal counselor Chris Klicka who understood the challenges.

Homeschooling Special Needs Children
Another encouraging article and recommended resources from Kym Wright who came to “believe that ‘Yes, I can!’ homeschool a special needs child. And if I can, so can you.”

Homeschooling Success: One Mother’s Story
Article at Yale explaining how the homeschooling option can work for dyslexic students. “…[W]e struggle with the difficulties, but homeschooling gives us the opportunity to soar in areas of his strengths. And his self-esteem is intact!”

In His Care: Our Story of Raising a Child with Down Syndrome
“I have finally concluded that it is NOT the 45 minutes of therapy several times a week that is going to make a difference in Kaylee’s development, it is what we do with her on a regular basis, every single day, that truly counts.” Article from Home School Enrichment.

National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network (NATHHAN)
“Equipping parents to raise their children with special needs or disabilities confidently.” Organization for Christian families homeschooling special needs children. It appears the site is perhaps not currently being updated, but you will still find a wealth of encouragement!

A Thousand Simple Kindnesses
This one is a bit different. It is an article written by a homeschooling mom with three special needs children. The focus is on what we can do for families with special needs. Great ideas covering the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the family.

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