The Reading List

Everyone seems to have one. One is not like another. They are found at universities, high schools; by famous authors, professionals, and even military organizations. Some we should read before we die and some we may have actually already read. Some are required to be considered “educated” and others focus on classics. We are talking about the Reading List!

One of the first posts at was “Looking for a Good Book?” which included our own favorite places to look for the books that might make a great addition to a reading list.

When it comes to homeschooling, no matter what method you use, a reading list is a handy thing to have on hand. For some, the reading list will form the foundation of their studies. For others, it will complement them.

Creating your own reading list from scratch can be a daunting task. Where do you start? 

How to Use The Reading List

Our reading list began with a few trusted resources, and then morphed and changed over the years.  Yours will likely do the same.  So think of this list as a starting point to creating your own.  Use those books that fit you and your family, skip those that don’t, and add other titles that you find along the way.

It is tough to determine a logical way to offer a reading list to the public. Do you just dump the entire thing — Mother Goose to Shakespeare? Or do you try to make categories that might help someone find what they are looking for? Well, we have tried to make it easier by creating “levels.” But be forewarned — a level does not mean reading level or grade level. Nor does it necessarily mean one book is more advanced than another — we practiced variety when it came to difficulty.

Finally, many of the books on our reading list will be linked to our Amazon affiliate account.  If you choose to click through and purchase, we will receive a small commission that helps keep this site going. Thank you for supporting DIYHomeschooler!

Reading List Resources
5 Tips for Creating a Reading List

5 Tips for Creating a Reading List
Reading is the backbone of learning. When educating at home or tutoring, good literature can be the backbone of your curriculum (or course of study). The task becomes creating a great reading list. Here are our five tips for creating a reading list.

8 Places to Find Children’s Books in the Public Domain
Free eBooks you can add and where to find them.

Looking for a Good Book? {Favorite Reading Lists}
Our favorite resources to help make those tough choices.

Review: Books Children Love
Highly recommended annotated resource with a Charlotte Mason flavor.

Review: The Book Tree
The authors primarily avoid abridged works, selecting works that are well written, reader-friendly (no formal guidance necessary to understand the work), follow high ethical standards, have visual appeal and are accessible. A newer favorite.

Free Books About Books
Books in the public domain that go a long way to helping you select favorites.

All Through the Ages ~ Review
Invaluable when trying to find books on history or science.

Review: Who Should We Then Read?
This one makes it easier by focusing on authors.

Check out all of the lists
The DIY Homeschooler Reading List
The DIY Homeschooler Reading List

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