DIYHsr Featured Site

Incorporating music into an already full homeschool schedule can be tricky. Classics for Kids makes music appreciation easy!

Classics for Kids {Featured Site}

Classics for Kids is a packed site. Let’s start with the basics — the radio show. The “On the Radio” button on the menu takes you to the current show feature. “Listen to the Show” to hear the topic. On the left-hand side of that page you can learn about the featured composer and any other related shows, or download a PDF activity page. If you prefer, each show is available for download as a podcast.

Besides the radio show, the Classics for Kids site offers many useful tools. If you are studying history chronologically, you’ll appreciate the composer’s timeline (fourth link down). By clicking on the composer, you’ll find a biography, his music, and links to shows featuring the composer.

If you are looking for a specific composer, you can browse the composer database. Or you can browse the selections of music by musical period.

If you are introducing your student to musical instruments you can browse instruments by instrument family or meet the entire orchestra.

Finally, the site offers a few rhythm and music games to help practice skills.

Great tool for the DIY homeschool handy-mom!

Additional Resources
Free Music Studies: Child

Free Music Studies: Child’s Own Book of Great Musicians
The Classics for Kids site is a great fit for our free music studies!

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