Cloud Chart {Free}

If you are studying weather and climate, or just enjoy cloud watching, you may appreciate this free cloud chart available as a 2-page color download at

On the first side is a sky-watcher’s identification chart showing examples of the high, middle, and low clouds, the various types of clouds per cloud base (cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus), and their weather symbols.  Also shown are mammatus, wall, shelf, and wave clouds, along with a tornado.

The second page offers an “Introduction to Clouds” covering cloud level, visual opacity, and cloud cover, along with a few cloud facts.  A very nice illustration of the water cycle is also shown.

Free Resource

Additional Resources

Another chart from NOAA based on how the clouds form.

Cloud Chart
By clicking on an image of one of the clouds on the chart (scroll down), you will find more information.

Cloud Quiz
Ready to start identifying?  Try your hand at this cloud identification quiz at

Cloud Chart {Free}

The New Weather Book by Michael Oard
Written by a meteorologist, this beautifully illustrated hardback book covers the causes of weather, world climates, how to read a weather map, the jet stream, clouds, warm and cold fronts, thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, winter storms, and climates of the past and future.  Read our full review where you’ll also find a link for a free study guide from the publisher.

Free Nature Studies: Sky & Clouds
Lots of resources in this portion of our free nature studies series.

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Tools for the Homeschool Handy-Mom

At DIY Homeschooler we provide encouragement and resources to those homeschool handy-moms paving their own way — solutions to help you “do-it-yourself” when it comes to tutoring your children. Learn more.

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